Izmir Historic Kemeraltı Real Estate Investment Fund

Since its establishment, TARKEM has carried out all its work within the framework of a certain vision and devoted its first five years to the planning of this field in line with its main strategy, and in the second five years, it has made exemplary investments that can serve as a model in this field. In this direction, it continues its way by carrying out the restoration of 9 of the nearly 30 cultural heritages under its control, with the support of various institutions and organizations, to be put into operation at the end of 2024.

As TARKEM enters its third five years, the “Izmir Historical Kemeraltı Real Estate Investment Fund” was established on January 9, 2023, in cooperation with Re-Pie Portföy Management Company, with the concept of creating resources and scaling on behalf of İzmir Historical Kemeraltı and its Surroundings. The fund in question, which is the first impact investment in the Real Estate Investment fund ecosystem, has been implemented under the leadership of TARKEM in cooperation with Re-Pie Portföy Management Company, accepts qualified investors. Starting from the 2nd quarter of 2023, it has called on qualified investors from Izmir, Turkey and all over the world, especially Europe, to become partners in the future of Izmir. With this call, TARKEM and Izmir Historical Kemeraltı GYF started to collect funds by reinforcing their leading role in Turkey on the urban renewal scale. Thus, with the work carried out, it continues to contribute to Izmir Historical City Center becoming a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

TARKEM pioneered the establishment of Izmir Historical Kemeraltı Real Estate investment fund in 2023 in order to ensure financial sustainability.

The “İzmir Historical Kemeraltı Real Estate Investment Fund,” one of the first examples of impact investment in the fund ecosystem in Türkiye, emerges as a significant instance of impact investment in terms of its structure, mission, and goals. Established through a collaboration between TARKEM and Re-Pie Portfolio, the fund aims to bring returns to investors while focusing on generating societal benefits through impact investments in the region.

The lzmir Historical Kemeralti Real Estate Investment Fund offers investors the opportunity to participate in the capital appreciation created by the focused and coordinated transformation projects in Kemeralti and its vicinity, while retaining are impact-focused investment philosophy. The Real Estate Investment Fund, which will contribute to the cultural heritage in the region getting the recognition it deserves, is expected to not only provide attractive financial returns to its investors but also create a significant social and environmental impact in the area. Qualified institutional and individual investors who wish to take part in lzmir’s future vision can participate in the Fund.

The fund aims to knock down the first domino in the cycle of investment-transformation-change-value addition by evaluating the Havralar District in Kemeraltı, divided into 19 sub-regions, with priority planning for impact investments.

The İzmir Historical Kemeraltı Real Estate Investment Fund, along with its investor base that has achieved the expected returns, aims to facilitate a stable flow of resources by establishing a self-sustaining financial mechanism and gradually implementing the change in the region. Centring inclusivity in impact investment, the fund continues its efforts to revitalize the Historical Kemeraltı District, return it to its glorious periods in life curves, and transform it socially, culturally, and environmentally.

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