TARKEM’s partnership structure, one of the most important examples of the public-private partnership model in Turkey, consists of 40% from the public, 10% from chambers and commodity exchanges, and 50% from the private sector.
The main objective of TARKEM is the renewal of the area of the Kemeraltı and the historical city centre.
TARKEM; Taking care of all kinds of problems and needs in Kemeraltı, Basmane and Kadifekale, to make fast, proactive and efficient decisions in order to produce solutions, for making this area more liveable, more safe and most of all, making it the most important tourism destination of İzmir.

“Uplifting the cultural and historical values of our city, with participatory management approach“

Kemeraltı is an area with more than 2,000 registered monumental architectural examples, 2,500-years old historical streets and squares, Historical inns, workshops, hotels, bathhouses, mosques, churches, synagogues, schools, fountains and cultural structures. It is such a rich and multi-cultured mosaic area which continues to develop itself constantly.
A protocol was signed on 05.05.2020 between the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and TARKEM regarding the preparation of the Area Management Plan and UNESCO World Heritage List candidacy file of the Izmir Historical Port City, which was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List on 14 April 2020. TARKEM is the authorized institution to prepare the UNESCO World Heritage List candidacy file of the Historic Port City of Izmir.
TARKEM continues its activities in cooperation with all local, national and international institutions in order to revitalize the Historic City Centre with its public, private and civil partners. In fact, the implementation period has already started, as planning for the revitalization of the historical area is mostly finished.
TARKEM; Taking care of all kinds of problems and needs in Kemeraltı, Basmane and Kadifekale, to make fast, proactive and efficient decisions in order to produce solutions, for making this area more liveable, more safe and most of all, making it the most important tourism destination of İzmir.
Our Real Estate and Cultural Heritage Projects
TARKEM currently carries out 19 real estate projects in order to protect the urban values in Kemeraltı and its Surrounding Urban Renewal Area and to bring them back to the society. The project focused its work on 3 regions, namely Basmane Region, Kestelli Region and Havralar/Synagogues Region, which were selected from 19 sub-regions determined in Izmir Historical City Centre.
TARKEM, which works to develop an area of 252 hectares located at the intersection of Izmir’s most important cultural, art, tourism and trade points, continues to grow.